Eli picked out this giftie for Daddy. He wrote "FOR, DADDY" Love, "ELI" all by himself.
Hot Hubby got off work at noon and we headed to Arby's for lunch.
Because Baby #3 loves Arby's!!
After naps we baked...
Get the cookies out already...
Eli was beyond stoked that Santa was going to eat what HE made!
Reading from Luke 2...
Cora was a bit clueless but went with it...
The kiddos picked dinner.
Mommy didn't want to do dishes so we used paper plates...
I bundled up all the yogurt lids we had been saving for breast cancer...
We read from the best pop up Christmas book ever...
Oh... and someone showed up before we went to bed...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Thanks for stopping by this little time capsule! Visit my new blog at http://www.smallthingsarebigthings.com to see the latest news! I'm honored you clicked on Eli's Lids...I love visitors! Explore the blog to learn what really makes Eli's Lids so awesome... my little family and my inspiration... Eli!
I'm a stay at home mama who starting sewing adorable "Lids" for my son in 2006. Before I knew it, friends and family were requesting Lids for their kids and baby shower gifts. I decided to sew my little heart out and start Eli's Lids! I've worked really hard to create a unique practical style for moms just like me. I hope you like them too. Many Blessings from my family to yours!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Your pictures are great! :)
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