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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Laundry break = Twilight T-ball

We were sick.
The whole fam-damily!
Throw-up was involved.
I took a break from laundry and the hubby and kiddos got outside for some twilight T-ball.
As if you need another reason to live in Orange County... check out this sky.
 Eli starts his first T-ball team next month. Hot Hubby is more than excited!
Cora could care less.
Our tee is from Nannie and Nonno... we mostly use it as a pirate cannon!
I'm sure you're wondering why the kiddos aren't wearing Lids... they are in the laundry! They are washer/dryer safe, you know!

1 comment:

Frantic Holly said...

Looks like such fun! You'll have a blast at T-ball. Watching the kids do what is completely not expected is hilarious!

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